Papillon Consult

So I said I would talk about my consult as part of my surgery process.

First I’ll mention that I had a morning phone consult April 1st to answer some of their questions. It took about 20 minutes I think. The woman on the phone was very nice and easy to talk to. She asked me everything from “How is your support system?” to “When was the last time you had an orgasm?” I don’t know the significance of all of the questions, but I didn’t mind them anyway.

I saw doctor McGinn on April 4 at 3pm. Her office is part of a large complex of buildings, sort of like an outdoor shopping center full of suites. Most of them looked medical related though. Anyway, her office was pretty and the staff was very nice. There isn’t a whole lot of room in the check-in/waiting area. I only brought my boyfriend and my friend who is financing my surgery so we fit ok but any more would have been difficult.

I had to fill out some papers before I went in, authorizing them to speak to my family doctor and my therapist, and I gave a list of other people they would be allowed to discuss my health with.

The consult itself went well. Unfortunately I was only allowed to bring one person in with me. I would have liked to bring my boyfriend in, but I brought my financier instead because he insisted on asking a few questions. I figured I can probably bring my bf in for all the follow ups instead.

First, we talked about the surgery and a little about how it’s performed. I asked my questions. She said there really aren’t a lot of risks for this kind of surgery. And that if I need a revision it will probably be done for free, though she doesn’t expect that it will be needed.

She did tell me that there were two technical problems with my therapy letter. My therapist forgot to explicitly say she recommends me for surgery and also her signature wasn’t on it, which was actually a problem with my computer or email or something cutting off the bottom of the page while trying to send it. But those issues can be fixed.

Next, I sent my friend out and we did the exam. She touched my chest a lot checking for signs of breast cancer. She said I have a good body type for this and nice stretchy skin.

She showed me where the scars would be and where she will place my nipples.

After the exam I went out and signed some forms and scheduled the surgery. June 14! It was sooner than most of us were expecting. My friend had to make a down payment of $2,500.

Overall the consult was quick and informative. I liked everyone there. And the area it’s in, New Hope, is nice.

There are lots of antique shops and I saw a bed and breakfast close by. I really liked the little cluster of shops where we stopped to eat at an Italian pub. My boyfriend and I got matching wooden rings for about a dollar each from this one cute shop. I look forward to visiting again.

Before the surgery I have to get some pre-op stuff done, including an EKG, lab work, a chest x-ray, and a physical including clearance for major surgery. That I scheduled with my regular doctor for late May.

I should be getting an information packet in the mail soon, which will hopefully answer more questions I have about how to prep for the big day.

Though it almost doesnt feel real, I’m excited for sure. But I’m even more excited for after I’m healed and I can wear tight shirts and swim shirtless. I’m going to the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire in August and I have a costume all planned out. It’s gonna be so much better this year without breasts to hide. đŸ™‚