6 weeks Post-Op

Well I meant to post something around one month post surgery but my life got a little crazy. Everything is going better now though. But it’s now been a little over 6 weeks since my surgery. These pictures were taken a few days ago.

Most of my stitches are gone. Only a few in the nipples are left. The incision scars are red and hard. I can pretty much do everything as I used to. I started to do light calisthenics. It doesn’t feel straining, so I will probably work out more. Clearly I need to. I look pretty scrawny. I think now that I have a flat chest I might enjoy working out more because I can see the results. Or I might continue to be lazy. We’ll see. Maybe if my boyfriend joins me I’ll actually start a work-out routine.

Can’t wait to go swimming! 🙂

I returned to work, but two days after I started back there was a fire so I’ve had an extended vacation while they fix the damage. And I’m pretty broke. But overall this summer had been surreal.

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